

Explain drupal flow of information

Basically, there are 5 main layers in Drupal where information flows,

  1. Data (Node, ETC)
  2. Modules
  3. Blocks and Menus
  4. User Permissions
  5. Template
Base of the system is collection of Nodes. – the data pool.

These are functional plugins that are either part of the Drupal core (they ship with Drupal) or they are contributed items that have been created by members of the Drupal community.

Blocks and Menus
This is the next layer where we find blocks and menus. Blocks often provide the output from a module or can be created to display whatever you want, and then can be placed in various spots in your template (theme) layout. Blocks can be configured to output in various ways, as well as only showing on certain defined pages, or only for certain defined users.

User Permissions
Here is the next layer where settings are configured to determine what different kinds of users are allow to work and see.

This is mainly the site theme or the skin. This is made up predominantly of XHTML and CSS, with some PHP variables intermixed. Understanding this flow of information is very important if you are facing A Drupal project targeted interview as the interviewer might test your overall knowledge  of  Drupal CMS by asking this sort of questions.

Taxonomy in Drupal
What is taxonomy in drupal?
We can define any number of vocabularies (category types) and terms (categories)
Controversial Content: (vocabulary)
– violence (term)
– adult content (term)

Genre (Vocabulary)
– Comedy (term)
– Romance (term)

We can config which content types are compatible with which vocabulary and which nodes are belong to which terms.

Why View module is so important in drupal?

Views can be used to generate lists of content in various formats same as report generator works.

What is the user permission mechanism in drupal?

We can create roles (moderators, proof readers, content admins etc) and we can permit each task to each role. A user can have 1 or many roles.

What are themes in Drupal?

Drupal themes are basically used to change the look and feel of the site.

What is a block?

Block is a section in a page (recent posts, news, vote to something, login box, navigation), which is movable to regions (header, footer, content top etc) in a page. Blocks can be configured to show/hide only to certain type of user roles, url patterns or some other advanced criteria. (Content area is not a block)

How we can define custom content types?

We can install CCK (Content construction kit) module and create content types. We can define the structure of each content type too.

What is a node in Drupal?

A node is a unit of content. It has a type. Page, News or as Testimonial.